Global FAST ® Remote Lecture Course
FASTVetTM Acknowledges that
Jessi Taylor
Has Successfully Completed the
Global FAST ® Remote Lecture 5-hour Course by
Course Instructor: Gregory R. Lisciandro, DVM, Dipl. ABVP, ACVECC
This program 20-750999 is approved by the AAVSB RACE to offer a total of 5.00 CE Credits, with a maximum of (8.00 max) CE Credits being available to any individual Veterinary Medical Professionals. This RACE approval is Category: Non-Interactive-Distance. This approval is valid in jurisdictions that recognize AAVSB RACE; however, participants are responsible for ascertaining each board’s CE requirements. RACE does not “accredit” or “endorse” or “certify” any program or person, nor does RACE approval validate the content of the program. More information at